/* On This Day ----------------------------------------------- */ /* End On This Day ----------------------------------------------- */

Saturday, November 27, 2004
On this day:

My guys.

originally uploaded by d20.
These are my guys. Yes, these are Michigan jerseys; mom is a Michigan grad, which means we all are pretty much Michigan fans. Anyway, my kids will probably get a kick out of seeing there photos posted, so here it is guys!

Friday, November 26, 2004
On this day:

Grayson: the movie trailer promo-promo

Grayson: the movie trailer promo
Grayson: the movie trailer promo,
originally uploaded by d20.
Well, it's not a REAL movie, but it should be. In the tradition of Batman: Deadend here is another unique take on the Batman legend.

An older, and maybe wiser Dick Grayson seeks to avenge the death of the Dark Knight; but will marriage survive? Has the boy/man wonder bitten off more than he can chew? And nobody, I mean NOBODY takes a swing at Superman with out consequence.

Really though, this is a great bit of promotional, portfolio padding for an independent film company. The guy playing Dick Grayson is also the director of this 'fake' tailer. Shot entirely on weekends, the this 5 minute trailer cost $18k to make. His methods for keeping costs down included using roomates, friends from work and cousins to fill in as cops, criminals, extras etc. He got some of that back by buying props (lamps, picture frames, clothing) and then returning them after the shoot (smaaaarrrttt). Some of the costumes and props were auctioned off on ebay sometime during the shoot.

Check it out at

It is way worth the download.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, November 25, 2004
On this day:

Thanksgiving with the folks

Here I am in Bennett, just ate some turkey. Showing my father how easy it is to blog.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004
On this day:

First Post

This is my first post, but NOT my first blog.
You can check out my gaming alter-ego (not much of an alter, and a small amount of ego) at http://demo-gog.1up.com.

This blog was inspired by a photographers blog I stumbled on to, and carries the name (SotG) that I have been thinking about for some time. Will get into that with further postings.

bye for now...