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Friday, April 07, 2006
On this day:

Mac, my way

Apple releases free software that enables Windows to run on a Intel based Macs. There, I said it. And the flame wars errupted.
There is a LONG comments list on PCWorld's Techlog responding to an article titled Top Reasons to Run Windows on a Mac...or Not! My contribution to the discussion, which includes comments like "Hey Former PC Puppet! get a life you ****less monkey", "why in the world anyone would want to use Software From Satan™?", and perhaps my favorite "Shades of grey do not exist. And pi is really a rational number, we just don't know it yet."

Well, my contribution, way, way down at the bottom is excerpted here. And except for the misspelling of "efficient", generally questionable grammar and a shift in person, I stand by my words ;-)

All the discussion about OSX vs. Windows is sort of moot. As long as Apple continues to push the envelope in UI and product design there will be a market for Apple computers. Boot Camp simply offers a Mac user more flexibility in doing what we do: living an increasingly digital life.
Products like Parallels promise even MORE flexibility than Boot Camp through very effecient (except on the Mini apparently) virtualization.
As for gamers (yes, I am one). Hard core gamers are not Mac gamers in the same way that Xbox gamers aren't Mac gamers. It's apples and oranges folks because gaming is a hardware issue, and what Boot Camp is about in the end is running software; and that's OK.
Either way, a Mac user is a Mac user. We like our UI, but we also appreciate Apple expanding our options and improving our digital life by integrating yet another service into my trusty Mac.
Keep up the good work Apple.

Yep, keep up the good work. I like my Mini!